Course Contents

workbook + videos

    1. Mis En Place (Everything in it's Place)

    2. Fresh Pepper Prep

    3. Brine & Ferment

    4. Dry Pepper Prep

    5. Brine & Ferment

    6. Label and Observe

    7. Two Week Ferment Check

    8. Blending

    9. Bottling & Recipe Development

    10. Hot Pickles (Encurtido) - Ingredients

    11. Vegetable Prep

    12. Fermented Pepper Brine and Weights

    13. Tasting for Acidity and Texture

    1. Mis En Place

    2. Cabbage Prep and Salt Ratio

    3. Remaining Vegetable Prep and Salt

    4. Massage and Develop Brine

    5. Packing the Fermentation Vessel

    6. Recipe Development

    7. Week Two Taste Test

    8. Proper Storage and Use in Your Kitchen

    1. Mis En Place

    2. Ingredient Prep

    3. Brew

    4. Strain, Temp, Ferment

    5. Week Two Tasting

    6. Flavor Additions

    7. Scoby Hotel

    8. Bottling

    9. Carbonation

    10. Overcarbonation

    11. Final Tasting, Cheers!

    1. You are on your way to a stocked Fermented Apothecary!

    2. Additional Courses, Books, etc.

About this course

  • $75.00
  • 36 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

How does heat in food help digestion?

The spicy/pungent flavors of hot peppers, ginger and black peppercorns are all energetically warming, moving and drying.

If you are someone who wakes up groggy with little to no appetite, consider adding ginger to a fresh juice, a dash of hot sauce to your eggs, or freshly cracked pepper to a bowl of oatmeal (sweet or savory!). Not only will these medicinal foods perk up your energy, they will set your digestion in motion.

You will learn:

Whether you are a beginner or have had many years of fermentation practice, this course is for you!

  • How to ferment both fresh and dry chile peppers

  • The flavor and medicinal properties of Sichuan pepper

  • The energetic properties of warming ingredients and their physiological effects

  • How to brew a complex and deeply warming kombucha

  • How to bottle condition kombucha for carbonation

  • A bit about the scoville scale

  • How to identify and remove kahm yeast

  • How to flavor the perfect pot of beans

  • How to turn surplus brine into a flavor packed pickle

  • The mouth watering effect of layering different kinds of acids

Meet your instructor:

Creator Bio:

Helena del Pesco is an independent chef, fermentation teacher, and small business creative consultant. Chef del Pesco honed her skills working in restaurants in the San Francisco Bay Area and traveling to create dinner events at restaurants, museums and art galleries in Mexico City, Oaxaca, San Juan Puerto Rico, Paris, Tel Aviv and San Sebastian, Spain where she worked in the kitchen of Arzak, a three-Michelin starred restaurant of international acclaim. Her restaurant, Larder, in Baltimore showcased locally grown produce, regenerative pastured meat and a fermentation-based menu. Her background in art, including a Masters in Fine Art from UC Berkeley, brings a sense of depth and aesthetic consideration to her food, while having grown up with her mother's whole-food cooking informs her in the principles of nutrition and quality ingredients. Each menu she creates draws on her experience of the cuisine of a diversity of cultures and is imbued with a reverence for nature. She celebrates food that brings stories to life through the ritual of sharing a meal.

Helena del Pesco


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