Course curriculum

    1. Meet Raquel and Kirsten/Conoce a Raquel y Kirsten

    1. Grow your own SCOBY

    2. Learn to Make Kombucha

    3. Haz crecer tu propio SCOBY

    4. Aprende a Hacer Kombucha

    1. Getting started with milk kefir

    2. Primeros pasos con el kéfir de leche

    3. Your first kefir/Tu primer kéfir in english y en español

    1. Tipicos in english y en español

    2. Learn to Make Tibicos (aka Water Kefir)

    3. Aprende a hacer Kefir de Agua con Tíbicos

    1. Aprende a Hacer Tepache in english y en español

    2. Part 2 Tepache, after fermentation/Parte 2 Tepache, después de la fermentaciónin in english y en español

    1. How to Make a Ginger Bug

    2. Ginger Bug part 2

    3. Cómo hacer Cultivo de Jengibre

    4. Jengibre Bug parte 2

About this course

  • $40.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

What are fermented beverages?

kombucha, tipicos, kefir, tepache, kvass, tepache, colonche, sodas

They are beverages that are naturally effervescent, probiotic, and most importantly delicious. The beverages that you will learn to make are super simple and inexpensive to make. Imagine making fermented fruit sodas with juice that you buy at any market. Imagine creating your own SCOBY with which to make your own kombucha at home. In this course Raquel and Kirsten have teamed up to show you how easy fermented beverages are. (Dare we say never pay high prices for these drinks again.) Each lesson is in both English and Spanish. We had a lot of fun teaching these fermented drinks together and we hope you have fun watching the lessons and making along.
Where else to bring fermented sodas but to the beach in Southern Oregon--after filming the course.

¿Qué es una bebida fermentada?

kombucha, tipicos, kefir, tepache, kvass, colonche, sodas

Es una bebida naturalmente efervescente, probiótica y lo más importante, deliciosa. En el curso aprenderás a preparar bebidas fácilmente sin gastar mucho dinero. Imagina poder hacer sodas de frutas con jugos que compras en el supermercado o poder crear tu propio SCOBY para hacer kombucha en casa. En este curso Kirsten y Raquel hacen mancuerna para enseñarte lo fácil que es fermentar bebidas en casa. (Y les podemos asegurar que jamás tendrás que comprar éstas bebidas caras en las tiendas) Todas las clases son en inglés y en español. Nos divertimos mucho las dos haciendo estas clases para ti y esperamos que tú también las disfrutes y aproveches al máximo.
naturally effervescent fermented sodas

You will learn:

  • How to grow your own kombucha SCOBY

  • How to make effervescent fermented sodas

  • How to make Tibicos (water kefir)

  • How to make milk kefir

  • How to make traditional colonche

  • How to make 100% fruit juice fermented sodas, like oragina and more

  • How to make beet kvass

  • How to make traditional Tepache

Aprenderás a

  • Crear tu propio SCOBY para hacer kombucha

  • Hacer sodas fermentadas efervescentes

  • Hacer sodas fermentadas con búlgaros de kefir

  • Hacer kefir de agua

  • Hacer el colonche tradicional

  • Hacer sodas fermentadas con 100% jugo de frutas

  • Hacer kvass de betabel (remolacha)

  • Hacer un cultivo de jengibre y usarlo

Hi, I'm Kirsten and I ferment things. I began fermenting on our 40-acres small holding of wooded hillside on unceded Takelma territory over 2 decades ago. I didn't have the language to say that was what I was doing, I just taught myself to preserve everything that we grew. I didn't have a clue or the internet but I had plenty of passion and idealism to figure out how it was done "old school" and maybe, most importantly, I had nobody that told me I couldn't do this. My passion for food systems has been with me for over 3 decades and at some point, the two collided and as my responsibilities to raising children waned. I found myself sharing the passion and joy of working with microbes to create delicious healthy food first locally then globally. In this desire to see everyone have access to fermentation I've co-written (with my husband Christopher) the books Fermented Vegetables, Fiery Ferments, Miso, Tempeh, Natto and Other Tasty Ferments, The Big Book of Cidermaking and Homebrewed Vinegar. I have a lot of great fails. I think working with tempeh has given me the most humility as I've learned to push it past soy beans. The most expensive fail was the 30 gallons of sauerkraut that was fine in all ways except the texture--which was spreadable like butter. There is no market for spreadable kraut--yet. I am delighted to be able to share what I know with you here. Feel free to reach out through this platform or at [email protected].

Kirsten K. Shockey

Fermentation Educator & Author

Raquel is the owner and operator of RGB Pura Fermentacion, a wholesale fermented and nutrient-dense food products company in Monterrey, Mexico. RGB sells kombucha, kefir, bone broth, and other amazing products. She is also co-founder and co-operator of Ferment Oaxaca, an educational company that gathers fermentation leaders from around the world annually in Mexico for conferences, retreats, workshops, and other learning opportunities. Find her on IG: ​@rgbpurafermentacion | @fermentoaxaca​

Raquel Guarjardo


Raquel is the owner and operator of RGB Pura Fermentacion, a wholesale fermented and nutrient-dense food products company in Monterrey, Mexico. RGB sells kombucha, kefir, bone broth, and other amazing products. She is also co-founder and co-operator of Ferment Oaxaca, an educational company that gathers fermentation leaders from around the world annually in Mexico for conferences, retreats, workshops, and other learning opportunities. Find her on IG: ​@rgbpurafermentacion | @fermentoaxaca​

Raquel Guarjardo
